As previously mentioned I have been in a small rut. We had painted the house and I hadn't really been preparing proper meals. I cheated and purchased so pre-made items from Costco. The last week I have been trying to get back to the swing of things. The weather was getting a little better, plants and edibles are growing in the garden, overall life has been coming together.

I find that I readmany blogs and use them as resources. And as I was reading through a regular blog, she referred to these deep dish cookies called PIZOOKIES. Well right then and there I knew it was a must. I scribbled down the ingredients and went right to the kitchen as I combined the dough I remembered I didn't have any of the all important ICE CREAM. I spoke to Sam and he was more than happy to get on his bike and ride up with me to the grocery store. We returned and Darren had removed the delicious Pizookie. It is mentioned to eat the pizookie while it is still warm with ice cream and thatis exactly what we did! SCRUMPTIOUS!

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