So here I sit with a glass of wine wrapping up our busy but very fun weekend. Friday was Sam's actual birthday. Four years ago I gave birth to my miracle baby at 12:15pm, all nine pounds of him(yes it was a blessing he was breach). Darren & I are very grateful for every moment Sam is in our world even the not so good ones.
So Fridays activities included making
gingerbread house at school, which I was fortunate to volunteer to assist that day. It was wonderful to see all the children take something very cookie cutter and place their own personal, creative touches on.
Saturday became slightly more hectic as I had offered my services to host our annual
bake exchange. Our day began with a regular trip to my favourite place COSTCO, to pick up the remaining didn't know I would needed items. Then back to prepare for the Delta girls gathering. Darren was kind enough to take Sam and a couple buddies to the Santa Claus parade, to give us ladies a few hours alone. You know to giggle and talk about our husbands(come on you know it happens LOL). I can speak for myself that I was honored to have this group of friends in for a evening I feel very blessed to have each and everyone of them in my life!
Sunday also began with a jump start as I invited our buddies, family and more friends in for an 11:00 am
open house/4th birthday party. Again we are privileged to have surrounded ourselves with such fabulous people to make such an event go very smoothly and enjoyably.
Thank you to all who send birthday wishes to Sam and to all whom attended this weekend activities!