All is well in our world. Now that we are becoming a little more settled we are finding a normal pattern during our days. Sam & I got right to business the other day making Pumpkin Pound cake it turned out very well. Sam gobbled up his piece as soon as it was cool enough to cut. So we have officially christened our kitchen. The following morning brought a birthday for myself. I was overwhelmed with birthday emails throughout the day. Sam & I managed to get out and run a few errands after our morning of pumpkin pancakes and a latte for me of coarse. We split a late afternoon lunch at A&W with a baby burger each! Yum! The evening was followed with a visit from my lovely sister in law Donna, Brandon and Mom & Dad J. They came bearing well wishes, cake & ice cream. Darren finally returned that evening with more Bday wishes.
The following day found us attempting to convince Sam to don one of his Halloween costumes for Party Day at school. At the last minute we compromised on a Superman shirt and cape! Choose your battles hey! So we were entertained by Sam and his classmates displaying the songs and knowledge learned for the month of October. It was lovely and quite cute.
Hope this finds you and your gobblins enjoying a great evening!
Pumpkin Pancakes from Parent Magazine Oct 2006
1 cup flour
3 tbsp sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 egg
1 cup plain yogurt
1/4 pumpkin puree
1. Preheat nonstick skillet on med-high heat. In bowl stir together all ingredients.
2. In a large, beat the egg for 30 sec. Add yogurt, pumpkin puree beat well.
3. Stir in dry ingredients and beat until combined.
4. Great skillet lightly with butter. Pour 1/4 cup batter per pancake, flip with spatula when tops bubble and edges are slightly dry. Cook until other side is golden brown.
Enjoy! This recipe is a staple at our house I actually bake a few pumpkins before the season is over and freeze some in our freezer for enjoyment throughout the winter season.