Friday, March 28, 2008

10 Years ago on this day March 28

Ten years ago today I married the love of my life, by best friend and companion. We have been together eighteen years. There have been many memories made and I know that the years to come will add to the list.
Of these things I am grateful. I have been blessed to live in Delta, BC, Yellowknife,NWT, Bedford & Lwr.Sackville NS, Airdrie,AB and finally Langley, BC. Every move has brought adventure, laughter and new friends(and a few tears). We have had a few homes, two dogs, and one fantastic kid! Like all couples there are highs and lows but with every turn I know he will be there with a smile and comforting words. For all this and more that I cherish every moment we have together.

Happy Anniversary!

1 comment:

Haven said...

Nice couple.Thanks for showing them..