So today we(Darren, Sam & I) managed to participate in a function with friends. What a novel idea. It was Nicholas' first birthday Michelle had organized a wonderful afternoon of friends, food and fun. I was just grateful that Darren, Sam & I actually made it to the event. We had a wonderful time with everyone. This is one of the moments where we are blessed to be back in BC and have that core set of friends. It is nice to be able to see us all constantly evolving from our school days to being parents ourselves.
Now you might we wondering what fall fashion Kim is sporting. Well this clever gift was from Leiko & Orson and as Leiko proceeded to inform us it is a toy that is to be used in what ever fashion the child likes to inspire creativity. Well I guess those of us who are able to remember the Fat Albert days might just wonder.... And if you are thinking where to I get one you would look at DANDELION KIDS... 1206 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, B.C. 604- 676-1862.
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