Mothers's day found Sam & I in each others company as Darren was working. We had a nice morning together. Went for a walk with our neighbours and tuckered the dogs out a bit. We came home and decided to venture on the deck and enjoy some of the beautiful sunshine. I set up Sam's easel and brought out the paint, paper and better yet one of Darren's old shirts. Sam had a hay day painting up a storm and with the completion of each master piece we hung them on the clothes line to dry. When we picked Darren up late last night Sam proceeded to share what each creation was the first didn't have and exact description except that he used two blues, the second was a storm cloud of coarse and the third and final painting was many bits and pieces such as a lady and her hand.
And the dogs you ask just lounged around and Sam was in his creative mode.
Hope your Mother's Day was filled with great moments.