On this Canada Day long weekend my husband was home. That is nothing short of a miracle especially since he did not request the time off. Well we had to make the most of it by asking our dear friends if they would come over and have a BBQ.

We kept the event very simple by just cooking burgers and having salads and some munchies. Everyone was kind enough to bring something as to make it easier on me which I am very grateful for. It was lovely to have all our friends over and get a couple shots of the kids in a group which hadn't happened in a few years. We have had some additions and a few more are on their way. Sam had helped me prepare our deserts the day before we tried something new as I was on my kick from baking in canning jars we tried, Peanut Butter Cups(Cake) in a jar.They turned out fabulously it is something I would make again and they were a hit with both the adults and the kids. We also make a angel food cake with some strawberries.
It was delightful to have our friends over to not only celebrate Canada's Birthday but just to say how grateful we are that they our in our lives. Thank you.