Well after numerous hours and alot of shear labour our upstairs bathoom is complete. Darren has become the master of all in this process as in others. He has a drive to learn and do this all himself. We did have help when he took the old tub out and the new one in. Dad Jarvis was kind enough to lend a hand. I am very proud of all Darrens' effort the completed project speaks for itself, or just to me at least. I feel that we are with the correct era and can be for a numerous many years to come!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
The drum roll please.....June30,2007
Well after numerous hours and alot of shear labour our upstairs bathoom is complete. Darren has become the master of all in this process as in others. He has a drive to learn and do this all himself. We did have help when he took the old tub out and the new one in. Dad Jarvis was kind enough to lend a hand. I am very proud of all Darrens' effort the completed project speaks for itself, or just to me at least. I feel that we are with the correct era and can be for a numerous many years to come!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
And the sun does shine! June 26,2007
Sam, Bronwynne & I headed out to the backyard to hang out. We played fetch, watched the airplanes and helicopters and even weeded the garden. We even managed to pick some strawberries,raspberries and a few peas. See with some TLC we can all have gardens.
Hope you all had a chance to enjoy some of that sunshine before it disappeasr again.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Father's Day BBQ
Today we celebrated Father's Day with a BBQ. I think everyone had a nice time the food was consumed so usually that is a good indicator. We have been lucky as Darren was able to home for the occasion. I hope everyone had a wonderful day celebrating their Fathers. Mine is on an Alaskan cruise and we will have to raise our glasses to him when he returns.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
BBQ at Jodi & Jim's June 16,2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Sam's first camping trip Fort Casey WA June 4-6,2007
We all had our first camping trip together. I have to say we were hoping to get out last year but this was it. We headed down to the states to do a little shopping due to the good exchange rate then we headed to Fort Casey, WA which is right by the Port Townsend ferry terminal. We had an enjoyable time and Sam did remarkably well. We all fit in the tent and the weather even decided to hold off so we were able to have dry trip.
Oh you may be wondering about the foot shot. When Darren & I were dating in yesteryear. We had done this shot so it was a recreated moment at Deception Pass.
Monday, June 04, 2007
A year an a half today June 4,2007
Well how time flies. Today Sam celebrates being a year and half old. He so perfectly fits in our family like he has been here a lifetime. Everyday there is joy and challenges but we are enjoying it all. When people say it just keeps getting better it really does. New days bring new experiences and fullfilment. We are trying to mimic many word. Some of the highlights are hearing Sam tell Bronwynne she is a "good girl", and to "sit down". The little things are when dinner is being served and he is running towards his chair yelling "yum-yum".
We hope that you all get to savour the little things that your days bring.
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