Today we managed to see some friends and also experience the pumpkin patch. Sam & I headed to the Country Farms Pumpkin Patch in Richmond. Darren was working so he couldn't experience the mass amount of people or pumpkins. Sam did well considering he was in the backpack for the experience it was too much for me just to carry him(who keeps feed him anyway?). We met up with Jordie,Michelle, Charlie, Nicholas, Susan, Max, Todd, Barb, Amy & last but not least, Nancy & Kamryn. A good time was had by all.
I know you can't belive what you are seeing but the pot did get put in the dishwasher and by that I mean the one with running water. But how can you resist the two of them working as a team. Sam actually looks like he is pointing out spots that Bronwynne has missed.
Well today Sam recieved his first haircut from Grandpa & Grandma Jarvis. Grandpa cut while Grandma held him still(well as much as a 10 month old stays still). It is actually ironic as it is Grandpa & Grandma's first day of retirement. So a couple of first to be celebrated. Yey!
So today was the last day of a stretch of days off for Darren. We relaxed in the backyard doing what I thought was just going to be picking a few of the tomatoes I have grown. It turned out there was more than just a few. Needless to say we have more than I planned for. So off to the recipe books I go. I am noticing a theme at our house!(Remember all the apples) So here are a few pictures of Sam and Bronwynne just hanging around waiting for us. PS Get ready for all of the jalepenos!
Sunday we got ready slowly Sam & Darren had lunch together cottage cheese & homemade applesauce. Then we made our way out for the afternoon, we headed out to go hazelnut picking it was great fun and made it really fell like fall.
A chance to celebrate the upcoming arrival of Leiko & Orson's baby. Leiko's sister Mariko hosted a baby shower, it was a delightful afternoon of laughter and joy. I don't know who is more excited Leiko or Orson it is fantastic to witness such elatation. A picture of the girls. We are missing Laura as she had to leave early.