Friday, June 30, 2006

Early B day gift for Darren June 30,2006

As you can see Darren received an early Birthday gift from Mom & Dad Samuelson. Darren's birthday isn't till August but Mom & Dad thought he could get way more use this way. And what a happy camper he is!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy.... June 28,2006

Well another busy day here. Darren & I continued to work on the back garden. We finished tilling and bringing additional soil in so it was planting and more planting. Sam must think he lives on a farm(maybe a funny farm).

After a busy day in the garden we visited Krause Farms for a fresh fruit smoothy. YUMMY!

Sunday June 25,2006

Today we went for dinner at Grandma & Papa's house. Auntie Karen was kind enough to take a picture of the three of us.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Nicholas' 1st Birthday @ Deifenbaker Park

So today we(Darren, Sam & I) managed to participate in a function with friends. What a novel idea. It was Nicholas' first birthday Michelle had organized a wonderful afternoon of friends, food and fun. I was just grateful that Darren, Sam & I actually made it to the event. We had a wonderful time with everyone. This is one of the moments where we are blessed to be back in BC and have that core set of friends. It is nice to be able to see us all constantly evolving from our school days to being parents ourselves.

Now you might we wondering what fall fashion Kim is sporting. Well this clever gift was from Leiko & Orson and as Leiko proceeded to inform us it is a toy that is to be used in what ever fashion the child likes to inspire creativity. Well I guess those of us who are able to remember the Fat Albert days might just wonder.... And if you are thinking where to I get one you would look at DANDELION KIDS... 1206 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, B.C. 604- 676-1862.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Well another crazy week.....

It has been another busy week here. We had a lovely visit with friends Dan, Jodi & Taylor they came and spent the night as they were passing through on their holiday. It was truly nice to sit down and have a chat and catch up. It was also nice as Sam had not met them so we all got aquainted. We were only missing Utah(their chocolate lab).

Then Darren was off on another pairing. Though we were glad to have him home for an extra night as he was overnighting in YXX. So he came home and we had an early Father's Day.

Monday, June 12, 2006

All or nothing.... Monday June12,2006

Our lives seem to be all or nothing. Everything is always happening at once. I find when Darren is home for a few days things either run smoothly or I feel like I am on turbo mode. Well that is what happened the last few days, the turbo mode. I picked Darren up on Wednesday afternoon. We made our way home from the Vancouver airport some traffic but that is to be expected. Well we stopped at a few car dealer ships to dream as we often do well......the next thing I know we are taking test drive in Langley, Darren is still in uniform and Sam is having a minor melt down as he felt he had been in his car seat too long. Then we go home all pumped up. Try and put that thought on the back burner. The next day we had Darren' parents come over to help out with the front garden. Darren had half of it rototilled and would eventually get the rest done. The rain started to sprinkled a little bit then the down pore happend. So they were able to get a bit done but not alot as planned. The following days had us enjoying the cold Sam caught, gardening and deciding on the car. Needless to say Sam still has a slight cold, so we are officially part of the snotty nose club, we planted the garden and seeded the other area. And we bought the car.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Monday June 5,2006

Today Sam & I got going but a little slower as this cold Sam has is hindering us a bit. We got ready and headed over to Dave & Pauline's house for a little visit. We saw Aiden and managed to grab a few shots of him and his Daddy.

While we were out that way we proceeded to the Planet for a cup of Joe, well of coarse that was for Mommy. We had a nice visit with Donna. Then we managed to squeeze in a walk at the Fort to Fort trail, a beautiful day to be out enjoying the BC surroundings.

Later that evening we met up with Donna & Brandon. Brandon had a soccer practice so, Donna & did a few laps around the track while that was going on. Sam just hung out and kept us amused.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sam six month old today June 4,2006

Well today Sam is six month old, before you know it I will be saying six years.... We stoppped in at my parents after dropping Darren off at the Vancouver airport this morning. Guess what Sam decided to do... well he officially rolled over from back to front. Now he has been workin on this for some time.I guess he just wanted a captive audience, nothing better than Grandma!

Yesterday, we managed to get out and grab a coffee and a few yard sales it was nice just to enjoy being all together. Well when we got home Darren made a couple gates for the fenced area, while I cleaned up the garage. Sam managed to get a few pushes in his new swing, which Darren hung from the apple tree. That sounds too good to be true doesn't it!